First, I must apologize for my absence of late. I feel like my head has been stuffed with cotton for that last 2 weeks. Anyway.....
This is Patrick, our primary customer service representative. He wouldn't let me take a new picture of him so this is from a few years ago. His is likely the first voice you will hear when you call the 3000toys' phone line. His voice is bright and shiny.
Patrick has been serving with 3000toys for about 5 years and is very partial to our farm toys, especially the older tractors. He answers our phones with his bright attitude, always happy to serve. He also serves you by email, or at least sends your email to the appropriate person, to get you answers quick and clear. He processes your orders and ensures that there are no snags along the way.
He has also been very helpful in keeping our office here standing strong. He was a prominent figure while constructing our new office on the property, and he always seemed to be smiling while hammering away.
Patrick makes weekly trips to the local Post Office, sending out our international orders and others that do not go by UPS. He has a good relationship with the clerks there (we hope) and always offers to bring the rest of us food and drink on his way back. It is delightful.
About Patrick: He is 43 years old and is the 13th child out of 14. He is very involved with his church, especially in the choir and men's ministry. He is married to a beautiful lady, and they have a 17-year-old girl together. He enjoys his many friendships because of his infectious pleasant personality.
He especially enjoys talking to people from all over the world on the phone here at 3000toys. At this very moment he is speaking to a customer in Ireland. Patrick really enjoys reaching out to people and meeting their needs.
I hope you've enjoyed this segment of "Meet the Staff." Join us here next week as we double it up, and you will be meeting Tasha, a new addition to the office, and Kent from shipping. Have a great weekend!