Military replicas are some of our most interesting products due to their ties to historical battles and the details that make that history roar to life. Forces of Valor provides fantastic historical and modern military replicas that are true to the originals. We are happy to feature one of their tremendous World War II replicas, the 1/72 scale German FW 190A-8 (Item 85266 -$22.95). We hope that you'll be driven to grab one today while checking out the rest of Forces of Valor's models at
I'll let Maria from Forces of Valor provide you with the details:

"The most common of the FW 190 fighters, the A8 variant entered production in early 1944. Over 6,500 FW 190A-8s flew into service during WWII --- featuring thicker cowling armour, an emergency boost system, paddle-bladed props, powerful 30mm wing cannons and bubble canopy design that provided more visibility to their pilots.
Major Walther Dahl, a German Luftwaffe Ace, flew this FW 190A-8 while in command of Luftwaffe Group JG 300. "
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